Curative Care  


Stories of Impact


When Jason started coming to Curative New Berlin Therapies (CNBT), he was a very shy five-year-old boy who faced many challenges. He experienced problems with overall coordination and sensory regulation, which also affected his visual perception, reading, writing and social skills. Jason struggled in school and in life to keep up with his peers. He was painfully aware of all of the things he could not
do, especially being unable to ride a bike like his twin brother, Ryan.

Jason worked diligently with Occupational Therapist, Claire. The two of them were a great team, and he began showing progress. Eventually, Jason was scoring age appropriately on all standardized tests and was doing great in school as handwriting and scissor skills were also addressed as part of his therapy at CNBT. “He used to struggle with reading and writing,” said Jason’s mom, Kelly. “Now he loves to read and write stories, and he is actually one of the best writers in his class.”

Although Jason surpassed many milestones, he was still frustrated because he could not ride a bike “like his brother.” Claire was determined to help him reach his goal. She broke down the bike riding task into different parts to help him learn how to use his legs reciprocally, to keep the handle bars steady, and to always look around and be aware of the environment.

“We practiced using a ride along bike that had no pedals, a bike that had training wheels and his own bike in the park.” shared Claire. “Finally during one session, he got it and began riding circles round me independently.” His mom smiles as she shares a vivid memory of how proud Jason was that day.

“He rode a bike by himself for the first time and I remember him coming home saying ‘this is the best day of my life.’”

Jason overcame tremendous obstacles to accomplish his goals. Something as simple as riding a bike like his brother seemed so out of reach for him, but he was not alone. “Claire’s patience really helped him turn things around,” shared Kelly. “She boosted his confidence and never gave up on him.”

Jason is now seven. He enjoys swimming and is involved in wrestling, but nothing compares to being able to ride a bike, right beside his twin brother.

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